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3/227 Howick St
Bathurst, NSW, 2795


Inland Hire are able to assist with building and construction projects and events.  We are committed to providing customer service with an emphasis on safety. Scaffold, Acrow Props, Tilt-Up Props and Temporary Fencing.



Brick Saws

Brick saws can be used for various cutting applications from pavers and bricks to medium sized sandstone blocks. With its diamond blade it will cut through pavers and blocks with ease. This machine is easy to use with its angle jig and slide table.

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tile saw

A trade quality, precision tile saw with diamond blade, capable of cutting marble, slate, ceramic, granite, porcelain, and quarry tiles up to 730mm square. Cuts a 450mm tile diagonally Straight cut and bevel. Foldable legs for transportation

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Demo saw

Petrol demolition saws, water cooled, designed for cutting through brick, rock and concrete. Takes diamond or composite blades. Petrol powered saw for outdoor use only.